Best Universities for International Students

Studying abroad is the perfect opportunity to get to know a new place, outside of your comfort zone, and immerse yourself into a new culture. Many take the opportunity of studying abroad to learn how to teach others, or even gain hands-on experience with teaching. For those looking to spend their time abroad studying education, Spain is the perfect place. 


Why Study Education in Spain?

Spain is a beautiful country full of lively culture and endless opportunities. Historic architecture and sunny days make up its atmosphere, and visitors can spend their time visiting famous attractions, exploring the bustling nightlife, and trying the delicious local cuisine. Being one of the most popular destinations for international students looking to study abroad, studying education in Spain offers students the chance to get to know other students from all around the world. Plus, with the rich history, welcoming locals, and detailed architecture, education in Spain is just as potent outside the classroom as it is inside. This is saying a lot, given the wide range of prestigious educational institutions all throughout the country, many of which have a large percentage of international students. 

For those looking to study abroad in Spain via an internship, there are many opportunities for students to make use of the many teaching jobs in Spain. Through an internship, students can become teaching assistants, or even full-on English teachers in many popular cities like Barcelona or Valencia. Internships are another great way to immerse oneself into the culture of their country and city of choice, and better get to know the locals and their way of life. 

How to Study Education in Spain 

The process of becoming an international student in Spain can be overwhelming at times and requires organization and planning ahead. However, with the end reward being the experience of a lifetime, the somewhat tedious process is entirely worth it. To study education in Spain, students must start planning over a year before they wish to attend one of Spain’s prestigious universities. This is mostly due to how long it can take to apply for and receive a visa, a time frame of up to around a year or more. Students must also study for and schedule an exam that is mandatory in order to attend university in Spain, known as selectividad or Pruebas de Acceso a la Universidad. While not being so different from an SAT or ACT, its importance is not to be overlooked.

Beyond the visa application and entrance exam, in order to study education in Spain students must also submit current transcripts and current legal identification, such as the details from a passport. Students must also show proof of at least a basic level of Spanish literacy. While English is commonly accepted in large Spanish cities, most classes at universities are taught in strictly Spanish. Of course, there are exceptions in the form of courses taught in a hybrid of Spanish and English, or a rare occurrence of strictly English-taught courses. Beyond the need for Spanish for classes, those looking to have a Spanish teacher job of any kind will benefit from being better able to communicate with the locals and their students. 

Best Universities to Study Education in Spain

It can be difficult to choose the right university for you, especially as an international student. So here is a list of some of the best universities for those looking to study education in Spain– 

University of Valencia 

The University of Valencia is one of the most popular universities amongst students studying abroad, especially for those looking to study education in Spain. Courses are rigorous and broad, and students are professionally prepared for the world of teaching. A degree from the University of Valencia is a guarantee to set students up for success, especially for those looking to become an English teacher in Valencia. 

UIC Barcelona International University of Catalonia 

The UIC Barcelona International University of Catalonia, located in the popular city of Barcelona, is known for its personalized education for students looking to study education in Spain. Even education programs are taught in English, perfect for those still fine-tuning their Spanish skills. All students who graduate from UIC Barcelona are prepped for the working world, and those looking to become English teachers in Barcelona are sure to succeed. 

Abat Oliba CEU University 

The Abat Oliba CEU University is perfect for international students looking to study education in Spain, and is known for its integration of social and moral responsibility into its courses. This allows for a more well-rounded education for all students, influenced by Catholicism, that helps students with the application of their new knowledge and critical thinking in and out of the classroom. 

University of Oviedo

The University of Oviedo was one of the first institutions in Spain to become a true Campus of International Excellence, and is over 400 years old. It has a very in-depth education program for all students, and integrates its strong sense of history and culture into its courses. This university is perfect for abroad students looking to be hired for one of Spain’s teaching jobs, and sets all of its students up to be well-rounded graduates destined for success.  

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Rodin Affourtit

Co-founder StudiesIn

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