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How to get the NIE?

As soon as you arrive in Spain, one of the first things you must do is to obtain your Foreigner’s Identity Number, or better known as the NIE (Número de Identidad de Extranjero). With this document you will be authorised in Spain to carry out different types of procedures.
Your identity number is the basic document you will need to identify yourself in the country. Without it, you will not be able to carry out bureaucratic or legal procedures, you will not be able to open bank accounts, rent a house, buy or rent a car, or even go to the doctor. It is absolutely necessary for any foreigner arriving in Spain.
Getting an appointment
Obtaining an appointment to obtain the NIE is not something very simple, as there is a long waiting list and you will have to be patient, so we recommend you to look for your appointment well in advance. This should be obtained on the web page of the Dirección General de la Policía Nacional, where you should fill in the following form:, or at the electronic headquarters of the Public Administrations: It is likely that when you look for an appointment for the NIE you will not be able to find it near your place of residence and you will see appointments available in places outside the city. We recommend you to schedule your appointment in any place, since it is not very easy to obtain it and it is something necessary for your stay in the country.
When you arrive at your appointment with the General Directorate of Police, you have to do it with a series of payments done and documentations filled in to be able to start with the process:
- You must bring your appointment voucher number. Print it out and keep it with you at all times so that you can be attended to without any problems.
- Fill out form EX18 This is a four-page form where you must fill in all the information requested. Then you must print it and take the original and a photocopy with you the day of the appointment. You can download it at the following link:
- Passport Like most documents, you must bring the original document and a photocopy of it.
- Health insurance and financial funds It is important that you hold a private health insurance that proves that you have all the coverage in different health centres. In addition, you must present a balance of accounts of your bank account. This is very easy to obtain, since you can request it at the bank you use and they will give it to you immediately without any inconvenience. For one person, you must prove that you have funds of approximately 5500 euros.
- University tuition You must prove that you are in Spain to study and for that you must bring the necessary documentation. The final acceptance letter of the public or private school will be enough to prove it. In this case you must also bring the original registration and a photocopy of it.
- Pay the 790 form feeThis is the payment you must make in order to finally obtain the NIE. You must fill in the form and check the option "Asignación de Número de Identidad de Extranjero (NIE) a instancia del interesado ". Once completed, you must print it and take it to the bank, pay the fee and keep the receipt. The price is usually around 10 euros, although it may vary from year to year. The payment form can be downloaded at the following link:
Do not forget to always bring a photocopy of all the documents you carry. You will be assisted by an officer who will ask you some questions that you should answer without any problems, and then finally you will get your NIE. This document is a simple green paper that you cannot laminate or modify in any way. At first it may seem a bit tedious to gather all the requirements, but with organisation you will do it quickly and you will have the most important and necessary document in your stay in Spain.

If you have any questions regarding the TIE, do not hesitate to contact us and our legal department will handle your specific case.